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We provide both services to support independent publishing by authors and publication of a few selected works under our imprint.

If you would like to contact us to explore publication by StoryForge Press, please submit a query letter including a synopsis and the first chapter of your book as an attached .pdf here, and we will respond as quickly as possible once we have read your material.

Ala Carte Author Services

We offer individual services to assist authors in publishing their own work independently. All prices are given in US dollars and for publication in the United States. If you are in the United Kingdom or Canada, contact us directly to discuss services available in your country and costs. At this time we are, unfortunately, not able to assist authors with publication in other countries. When we are in a position to provide quality and complete publishing services to authors in other countries, we will add those countries to our list.

Following are a sample of some of the services that we can provide and the rates for those services.

Manuscript Preparation


Editing and Proofreading


Formatting and Preparing for Publication


Marketing Services

Marketing services are really best done as a tailored package of services, based on the author's work, genre and targeted market but following is a very partial list of the types of services we can offer:

If you don't see what you're looking for on this list, contact us to discuss it and we can probably provide what you need or refer you to someone else. We can work with you to design the package of services that you're looking for.