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We provide both services to support independent publishing by authors and publication of a few selected works under our imprint.

As we are a small publisher, we limit the number of authors we publish under our imprint, in order to provide each book our complete attention and the best possible concentration. Doing a good job of getting a book out requires attention, care and planning, and we want to get each one as right as we possibly can. We won't take on a book that we don't think is right for us.

If you would like to contact us to explore publication by StoryForge Press, please submit a query letter including a synopsis and the first chapter of your book as an attached .pdf here, and we will respond as quickly as possible, once we have read your material.

If you're interested in publishing your book under your own imprint or are looking for pre-publication or marketing services, please visit our author services page for a description of the services we offer self-publishing authors.